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The XXVIII meeting of entrepreneurs CLUB 500 was held in the RED ARENA

More than 500 entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia gathered together to get acquainted, sum up the results of the first half of the year and get inspired for new achievements.

On July 21-23, the XXVIII meeting of entrepreneurs CLUB 500 was held in Sochi at the RED ARENA site in Krasnaya Polyana. More than 500 residents took part in it — large entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia and the world. All participants are founders of companies, leaders in their niches.

2024 is an anniversary year for CLUB 500 — it turns 5 years old. This year, the theme of the meeting is roots — a symbol of unity and strong ties. In any situation and under any external circumstances, there is an unshakable backbone — an environment of like-minded people who will support, stand firm and not let you succumb to strong winds and bad weather. Roots are the foundation that makes it possible to confidently move forward.

The program of the meeting was divided into several days. One of the main events was the opening of the event and the ceremonial initiation of new residents — those who have been in the club for less than a year and for whom this meeting was the first. Almost 100 people joined the club in the first half of 2024. Everyone was able to briefly tell about themselves and meet other residents from the stage. At the gathering, each resident has the opportunity to meet fellow club members in person and, perhaps, find new clients or contractors or find partners from different business areas.

The 28th gathering also featured invited speakers and experts who shared their experiences, research and life principles. On the first day, the CEO of the Holding Aqua group, Svyatoslav Vilk, and the founder of the Pinskiy&Co holding, Anton Pinsky, took the stage. Each of them has achieved great results in their field and their experience has become useful for many participants of the gathering. The first day ended with an afterparty. The headliner of the evening program was the author of the hits "Kometa", "You are merciless", "Titry", multiple winner of music awards, one of the most popular and listened to artists - JONY.

The second day was filled with presentations by experts from outside the business community. Entrepreneurs were able to expand the boundaries of their knowledge, find inspiration and look at the world from different angles. The theme of roots ran through every presentation. Konstantin Severinov spoke about evolution and genes, DNA structure. Vyacheslav Dubynin shared his research in the field of the brain and its influence on empathy and communication. Together with Egor Druzhinin, residents discussed how the social environment shapes human behavior and personal qualities. And Vitaly Semenov called on all listeners to look back in time and look at genealogy as another place of power and knowledge.

The CLUB 500 entrepreneurs' meeting is held twice a year and any resident, including a new one, can take part in it. It is nice that the Sochi meeting was the first this year and was held at the RED ARENA site.

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Estosadok, Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone

Estosadok village, Estonskaya str., 51

We are 45 km from Sochi International Airport, a drive of 30–40 minutes. Take the E97 motorway towards Krasnaya Polyana and the Krasnaya Polyana resort. Follow the route for 42 km to the resort of Krasnaya Polyana. You may leave your car on the open unguarded parking lot. Parking fees for guests are charged at the rates of the Krasnaya Polyana resort.

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Esto-Sadok village, Estonskaya str., 51

From 9:00 to 23:00 on event days

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