AddressEstosadok village, Estonskaya str., 51

Calls from Russia8 800 444 0 888

Personal Data Processing Policy

We respect privacy and take care of protection personal information that you provide to us. We would like to to acquaint you with the following principles on which our privacy policy and your personal data data, in particular. Personal data is any information, which allows you to identify you as an individual, such as your first and last name; postal address or passport number; phone number, profession or personal interests.

  1. General provisions

    1. In the process of doing business, Arena-Centr LLC processes personal data of private persons - subjects of personal data data. In order to maintain business reputation and ensure implementation of the norms of federal legislation in full, Arena-Centr LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) considers the most important task ensuring the legality and fairness of personal data processing data, compliance with their confidentiality and security the processes of their processing.

    2. This document defines the policy regarding processing and protection of personal data in order to protect rights and freedoms a person and a citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets. The policy is publicly available a document declaring the conceptual foundations of the activity The operator when processing personal data.

    3. {' '} This Policy applies to all processing cases personal data by the Operator or on behalf of the Operator, outside depending on whether it is done manually, automatically (semi-automatically).

    4. {' '} In the process of processing, the Operator is guided by the Federal The Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 (hereinafter - Law).

  2. Personal data processing

    1. The Operator processes personal data for the purposes of implementation of functions assigned to the Operator by regulatory legal acts, performance of contractual obligations, one of the the parties to which are the subjects of personal data, as well as for other purposes stipulated by law.

    2. The Operator may collect and process personal data data of their employees, candidates for vacant positions positions, as well as clients, their representatives and beneficiaries and other persons who are with the Operator in contractual and other civil relations, as well as processing of personal data of other persons, if this processing assigned in accordance with the requirements of the Law. When collecting and the Operator undertakes to further process personal data observe the basic principles and conditions of processing determined by By law.

    3. The Operator processes personal data to the extent and during the time required to fulfill contractual obligations, requirements of federal legislation, as well as their own goals of doing business and providing services. In the following cases, prescribed by Law, the Operator reserves the right to request the appropriate consent of the subjects to process their personal data and refuse to provide services in the case of failure to obtain such consent.

    4. The processing of personal data is carried out only authorized employees of the Operator, after acceptance sufficient security measures to ensure protection personal data and in accordance with regulatory documents regulating the processing and protection processes personal data. Processing and storage of personal data it can be carried out both in paper and electronic form, with or without automation tools.

    5. The operator may resort to the involvement of third parties for processing of personal data only in the case of justified of necessity. The Operator undertakes to take all necessary steps measures to ensure that those involved in processing personal data third parties acted in accordance with this Policy and did not compromise confidentiality personal data.

    6. The Operator may transfer personal data subjects to third parties, provided that this transfer due to the requirements of federal legislation, the terms of contracts concluded with the subject or allowed with the appropriate consent of the subject. Transfer of personal data the data is carried out in a secure way using secure data transmission channels. Transfer of personal data data to a third party can only be carried out on based on an agreement with the Operator containing requirements for protection of the transferred personal data, obligations and third party responsibilities for data execution requirements, unless otherwise stipulated by the federal legislation.

  3. Personal data protection

    1. The Operator undertakes not to disclose to third parties and not to distribute personal data without the consent of the subject personal data, unless otherwise provided by the federal law legislation.

    2. Security of personal data processed by the Operator, it is provided by the implementation of legal, organizational, technical and programmatic measures necessary and sufficient for ensuring the requirements of federal legislation in the field of protection of personal data.

    3. {' '} The main personal data protection measures used The operator, are:

      • appointment of officials responsible for the organization processing and protection of personal data;
      • restriction and control of the composition of employees who have access to personal data;
      • familiarization of employees with the requirements of the federal legislation and regulatory documents of the Software Operator processing and protection of personal data;
      • organization of the physical security regime premises, media and equipment;
      • control of user access to information resources, hardware and software processing and protection information;
      • registration and accounting of events in information systems;
      • the use of cryptographic information protection tools for ensuring the security of personal data when transferring software

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Estosadok, Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone

Estosadok village, Estonskaya str., 51

We are 45 km from Sochi International Airport, a drive of 30–40 minutes. Take the E97 motorway towards Krasnaya Polyana and the Krasnaya Polyana resort. Follow the route for 42 km to the resort of Krasnaya Polyana. You may leave your car on the open unguarded parking lot. Parking fees for guests are charged at the rates of the Krasnaya Polyana resort.

A unique territory for holding a wide variety of events: from exhibitions of contemporary art to sports competitions and large-scale show concerts of popular stars. We use cookies to make the site work better. By continuing to use, you agree to the Privacy Policy.

International call

+7 (862) 555 07 77


Esto-Sadok village, Estonskaya str., 51

From 9:00 to 23:00 on event days

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